Estética | JCDR 2019 v16n1- Compra de artigo - Clinical Dentistry
Estética | JCDR 2019 v16n1

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O dentista sincero: sucesso

Entrevista com Frederick Allen Rueggeberg

Avaliação da eficiência dos implantes dentários utilizados na reabilitação bucal de indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina

Os melhores artigos de investigação do quadrimestre

Resinas Compostas nos últimos 10 anos - Revisão da Literatura. Parte 1: Composição Química

Resinas Compostas nos últimos 10 anos - Revisão da Literatura. Parte 2: Propriedades Mecânicas

Clínica/escola odontológica em Maringá, Paraná - Kina Essential Balance

Tecnologias para impressão e confecção de próteses sobre implante: revisão de literatura

Análise de produtos pelo Corpo Editorial da Revista Dental Press - Estética JCDR

Resistência da união entre um cimento resinoso autoadesivo e uma zircônia Y-TZP submetida a diferentes tratamentos superficiais

Influência dos diferentes métodos de foto-ativação na longevidade de restaurações, com resina composta, em lesões cervicais não cariosas: revisão de literatura

Brocas novas para cada atendimento

Técnica de Retentores Intrarradiculares: O ensino é devidamente valorizado? Uma avaliação radiográfica da qualidade de retentores

As chaves para diferenciar as hipoplasias do esmalte locais, sistêmicas e hereditárias

Uma proposta de protocolo de ataque térmico de regiões intergranulares na zircônia

Redes sociais
Redes sociais


Pilares definitivos sobre implantes: qual a melhor alternativa?

Instagram Nu e Cru

O stricto sensu do nosso egresso

Editorial Board

The sincere dentist: success
The sincere dentist: success

I think one of these days I wrote about the need people have to shown how happy they are and what a perfect life they have. I believe it was during vacation time, when people try to convince all of how #blessed they are and how much not terrible their previous year was (although it might have been terrible, as those that had an excellent year are probably not trying to convince others of it). But I believe it is human and natural that this has to be advertised. Success is being happy, after...


An interview with Frederick Allen Rueggeberg
An interview with Frederick Allen Rueggeberg

P rofessor Frederick Allen Rueggeberg was an outstanding student where he graduated, with great scores received in all the courses he attended. He is currently Director of the Division of Dental Materials, Department of Restorative Sciences, and teacher of undergraduate and postgraduate students at the Dental College of Georgia, University of Augusta, Augusta, Georgia. His research field is the Restorative Dentistry, being the composites (composite resins, resin cements and other resin-based...


| The SEOC gathered in Seville more than 300 professionals of national and international dentistry focused on the field of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry
| The SEOC gathered in Seville more than 300 professionals of national and international dentistry focused on the field of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry

T he Spanish Society of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry held at the Meliá Lebreros Hotel in Seville, from May 17 to 19, the XXII National and IX International Congress where Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry was the leading role. This scientific event was chaired by the president of the SEOC, Dr. Vicente Faus, together in the organization with his Governing Board composed by Drs. José Amengual, Laura Ceballos, Matías Moreno, Manuel Ruiz, René Botello and Isabel Giráldez, new...


Evaluation of the efficiency of dental implants used for oral rehabilitation of cleft patients |
Evaluation of the efficiency of dental implants used for oral rehabilitation of cleft patients |

Introduction: Cleft patients involving lip, alveolus and palate represent one of the most common malformations in humans. The absence of teeth in the fissure is common and can be rehabilitated by implants and prostheses. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the success of the oral rehabilitation of cleft by means of implants in the grafted area. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 120 implants installed on cleft areas of 93 patients, mean age = 24.7 years, 48% female and 52% male....


| The best research articles of the four-month period
| The best research articles of the four-month period

Following this secti on of arti cles, as in previous editi ons, the objecti ve has been to summarize some important topics discussed and published in the main indexed journals, addressing to this secti on the main evidences on the use of self-etching adhesive systems. Adhesion to denti n and enamel are one of the most stu died subjects in denti stry, with a notable evoluti on of materials and techniques over the years. Not needing the conventi onal acid etching of the tooth structu re to...


Composite resin in the last 10 years - Literature Review. Part 1: Chemical composition
Composite resin in the last 10 years - Literature Review. Part 1: Chemical composition

Introduction: This is the first article of a series of six manuscripts about composite resins. Composite resins composition influence on their physico-chemical properties and increased survive rates of their clinical application in dentistry. Objectives: The purpose of this review was to perform a literature review about the main components found in composite resins and their clinical influence in the restorative process. Methods: A search using several terms was performed on the PubMed...


Composite resin in the last 10 years - Literature Review. Part 2: Mechanical Properties
Composite resin in the last 10 years - Literature Review. Part 2: Mechanical Properties

Introduction: This is the second of six articles that present a general view about composite resins in the last 10 years. The mechanical properties of composite resins show their behavior on clinical situations such as chewing. Therefore, this review commits to evaluate hardness and elastic modulus of these materials and to relate them to success and longevity of restorations. Methods: 60 manuscript were selected for this literature review searched in PubMed platform. This manuscript should...


Dental School and Clinic in Maringá-PR - Kina essential balance
Dental School and Clinic in Maringá-PR - Kina essential balance

The problem submitted by clients, who had been partners in previous projects, was: “We want a beautiful clinic, which does not look like a clinic.” Challenge posed, we accompanied their search for a place. Address is of great relevance in urban activities. The architectural design of the building that houses the Kina Essential Balance clinic has taken into consideration two essential factors in the management of its spaces: dentistry services and teaching. Relevant in the organization of...


Technologies for impression and manufacturing prosthesis on implants: literature review
Technologies for impression and manufacturing prosthesis on implants: literature review

Rehabilitation with implants has been considered as the first choice for replacing missing teeth in Dentistry. Allied to this, materials and technologies associated with the reestablishment of aesthetics, function, quality and longevity for prosthetic restorations are constantly developing. The aim of this study was to describe the current state of technologies for printing and manufacturing implants over dentures taking into account the relevance, application and display. According to the...



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : The gold standard of total-etch dental adhesive systems. ALL-BOND 3 is a fourth-generation dental adhesive system that produces micromechanical bonding to substrates. It is used for all bonding procedures, compatible with chemical, dual and light-curie materials and used without any additional activators. Fewer and thinner coats have to be applied because of its ethanol-based formula and hydrophobicity. ALL-BOND 3, a hydrophobic adhesive formulated with...


Bond strength of a self-adhesive resin cement to Y-TZP ceramic subjected to different surface treatments
Bond strength of a self-adhesive resin cement to Y-TZP ceramic subjected to different surface treatments

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different surface treatments on shear bond strength of a yttrium stabilized zirconia (Y-TZP) to a self-adhesive resin cement. Methods: Cylindrical samples (5mm diameter x 10mm height) of a Y-TZP zirconia (Lava, 3M ESPE) were divided into four groups (n = 10): C) no surface treatment (control); A) universal adhesive (Universal Bond Single, 3M ESPE); J) sandblasting with silica-coated aluminum oxide (Al2O3) particles; and...


Influence of different photoactivation methods on the longevity of restorations with composite resin in non-carious cervical lesions: Literature review
Influence of different photoactivation methods on the longevity of restorations with composite resin in non-carious cervical lesions: Literature review

Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) are among the most frequent conditions affecting dental structures and although restoration with composite resins does not directly treat the etiology of this condition, it replaces the lost dental tissues, restoring the structural integrity of the teeth. The restorative treatment also contributes reducing the dental wear and hypersensitivity of dentin, when present, further improving the aesthetics. Despite of the benefits briefly presented, the longevity...


New Burs for each appointment
New Burs for each appointment

n this paper, I describe three important steps in making decisions about the use of burs for tooth preparation. We invest heavily in technology, but often do not stop and solve simple everyday problems. I see colleagues that have a large collection of burs, but waste a great amount of time to find the burs that they have to use. Moreover, the performance of a bur previously used is poor, no matter what brand it is. A good Brazilian bur costs very little and is of very good quality. Why not...


Dental Post Technique: Is teaching properly valued? A radiographic evaluation of the quality of dental posts 1. Universidade
Dental Post Technique: Is teaching properly valued? A radiographic evaluation of the quality of dental posts 1. Universidade

The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of dental posts, through 250 periapical radiographs of patients with at least one dental element with dental post. The type of post used, the quality of the endodontic treatment, the length of the posts and the existence or not of any space between the post and the endodontic filling material were analyzed. Of a total of 463 posts, 324 were cast metal cores, 118 were prefabricated metallic posts and 21 were non-metallic prefabricated posts....


The keys to differentiate local, systemic and hereditary enamel hypoplasias
The keys to differentiate local, systemic and hereditary enamel hypoplasias

An accurate diagnosis of enamel hypoplasia, as well as its cause, prognosis and treatment, is difficult to establish because of the several misconceptions about its origin, nature and treatment at the time of diagnosis. There are three key lines of thought to be followed to build the basis of an accurate differential diagnosis between types of enamel hypoplasia and to define an accurate prognosis in their treatment plans: 1) if it is localized enamel hypoplasia, it is not bilateral, and if it...


A proposal of thermal etching protocol on intergranular regions of dental zirconia
A proposal of thermal etching protocol on intergranular regions of dental zirconia

Objective: To analyze the topography and microstructure surface parameters of 3Y-TZP after different thermal treatments that aims to reach a zirconia grain boundary as close as possible to its thermodynamic equilibrium geometry, with higher surface energy state. Methods: 3Y-TZP surface was polished and then thermally treated at 1350°C for 10 minutes, as a means of standardizing the roughness. After this, different thermal treatments were carried out. The control group (G1) received no further...


Final Implant Abutments: which is the best alternative?
Final Implant Abutments: which is the best alternative?

When it is time to finalize an immediate post-extraction implant case, we need to decide what kind of restoration will be performed. We have two ways to do this: we can work with a screw retained crown, whether it is metal-ceramic or zirconia with ceramic coating application (Fig.1), or with a ceramic restoration on a standard or customized abutment. The three-dimensional positioning of the implant platform will play a key role in this decision- making. If the installed implant platform is...


Instagram RAW and NAKED
Instagram RAW and NAKED

Dear friends, how is everything? Here is another publication in which our objective is to describe actual clinical cases before and after treatment and show you exactly how they look at the end of the process. Also, at the end this text, we show you how to develop photos adequately and smoothly. You may even use this section as a filter for some Instagram postings by several “artists” or “prodigies”, who may believe that people are deceived by ideally perfect photos and cases,...


The stricto sensu of our alumni
The stricto sensu of our alumni

For some time, there has been a recurring concern of the Postgraduate Programs and Capes regarding the alumni profile and their introduction to the job market. Such concern with the training quality of masters and doctors is essential and it is the main goal of the system, which must consider the job opportunities for these graduates. One of the major concerns has been the stricto course of student training, with academic sensu, emphasizing the teaching performance to academia, an area that...


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