Estética | JCDR 2018 v15n2- Compra de artigo - Clinical Dentistry
Estética | JCDR 2018 v15n2

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A presença de patógenos periodontais e sua relação com o gene MBL2 em pacientes portadores de periodontite crônica



A beleza de uma clínica na visão de quem projeta

Restaurações diretas e impressões 3D: do computador ao dente

A importância da provisionalização em implantes imediatos

Efeito do tempo e da intensidade de luz na adesão entre pinos de fibra e dentina radicular: uma revisão da literatura

Separando o joio do trigo

Resinas compostas suprananométricas policromáticas proporcionando estética e função em dentes posteriores

Será que o caminho está certo?

Enxaguatório experimental com nano-HAp para uso caseiro no tratamento da erosão dentária

Análise de produtos pelo Corpo Editorial da Revista Dental Press - Estética JCDR

Instagram Nu e Cru

Não cuidamos de dente... cuidamos de gente

Efeito de dentifrícios clareadores, contendo peróxido de hidrogênio ou de carbamida, na adesão ao esmalte dentário

Técnica adesiva de preparo vertical em retratamentos

Os melhores artigos de investigação do quadrimestre

Cobertura hidrófoba de PMMA de uso odontológico

Perfuração da mucosa bucal por agulhas e a instalação de aftas no local: mecanismo e condutas

Editorial Board


I’m not entirely sure if I always enjoyed challenges or, more likely, if I forced myself to accept them as something that will make sense at some point. Do not be fooled, reader, I love the comfort zone, but great stories are not created watching soap opera on the couch at home, or wondering what others are doing following their Instagram; to know what the “trend” is. Stories are created by big successes and big failures. I like this aspect very much. Especially for the dreams. I still...


The beauty of a clinic in the designer’s view
The beauty of a clinic in the designer’s view

The concept behind Ateliê Oral, a high-standard specialized dental practi ce, includes performing extensive dental works within short periods of ti me. The Ateliê was sti ll located elsewhere by the ti me my wife went there for an appointment, and it didn’t take long for me to realize that it was rather diff erent from all other private practi ces.


Direct restorations and 3D-printing: from the computer to the tooth
Direct restorations and 3D-printing: from the computer to the tooth

Introduction: The use of digital technology in dentistry is already part of the routine of many dentists and laboratories, after the development and improvement of the CAD/CAM and 3D-printing technologies. Methods: By means of a case report, a digital workflow for image acquisition and restoration of a fractured tooth in a virtual manner and 3D-printing will be presented, making it easier to obtain a final resin composite restoration. Results: The described technique allowed for a final...


The importance of provisionalization in immediate implants
The importance of provisionalization in immediate implants

n our previous issue, I discussed the importance of following the correct steps for the placement of immediate implants. I also claimed that one of the essential steps for the success of such procedure is the correct provisionalization. Well, let us talk a little about this topic now.


Effect of time and light intensity on the adhesion between fiber posts and root dentin: A literature review
Effect of time and light intensity on the adhesion between fiber posts and root dentin: A literature review

The characteristics involved in the mechanism of adhesion between fiber post, cementum and root dentin have been extensively studied in different approaches, including treatments on the surface of the post and/or dentine, characteristics of the intraradicular fiber post and also the materials used for its cementation. However, the adhesion depends directly on the polymerization and degree of conversion of the resinous monomers, which are related to the transmission of light through the root...


Separating the wheat from the chaff |
Separating the wheat from the chaff |

With the massification of digital media, the internet “expert” becomes more common than ever. It is not within the sole domain of dentistry, but rather a privilege of all areas: health professionals know about law, lawyers are keen on engineering, physicians understand what architects do, engineers are familiar to medicine and so on. We are experiencing a revolution in teaching, teachers training is increasing at extraordinary speeds and there is no longer the need for deeper...


Polychromatic supra-nano filled composite providing aesthetics and function on posterior teeth
Polychromatic supra-nano filled composite providing aesthetics and function on posterior teeth

ABSTRACT: Posterior teeth restorations present as basic requests the functional and aesthetic reconstruction of the dental element. For this, it is necessary to understand the technique and materials available to restore the tooth structure. The evolution of loading particles present in restorative materials – from macroparticles to suprananometric particles, which combine better optical and mechanical properties – allowed the professional to make very satisfactory restorations that...


Are we on the right way?
Are we on the right way?

As I was wondering about what to write to open this section of the Brazilian Group of Restorative Dentistry Professors, I was a bit uncertain about what subject to tackle. The initial idea was to bring about and question the current trends in Restorative Dentistry, like the ultrafine veneers, popularly known as “Contact Lenses”, that have apparently become a panacea for all anterior aesthetic problems (sometimes, posterior as well) in the short-sighted perspective of many dental...


Experimental mouth rinse with nano-HAp to be used at home for dental erosion treatment
Experimental mouth rinse with nano-HAp to be used at home for dental erosion treatment

ABSTRACT: Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate — by X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF), surface Vickers microhardness (VM) and SEM — the effect of the following products in bovine enamel submitted to acidic challenges: nanoparticles of calcium hydroxyapatite (nano- HAp), associated or not with fluoride, casein phosphopeptide- amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) associated or not with fluoride, sodium fluoride, and saliva. Methods: 58 bovine incisors were sectioned...


Test-drive Esthetics
Test-drive Esthetics

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The 3MTM FiltekTM One Bulk Fill is a light-cured composite resin that aims to opti mize the restorati ons, making the restorati ve procedure easy and fast. This material provides excellent mechanical resistance and low wear, with better estheti cs and excellent longevity . The material can be inserted and light cured in increments of up to 5-mm depth, because it has a system for release of polymerizati on shrinkage stresses and excellent opti cal properti es. The 3MTM...


Instagram RAW and NAKED
Instagram RAW and NAKED

Everything in life evolves, transits, changes; the internet has come to stay, technologies also, and the current restorati ve denti stry, in tu rn, goes through a transiti on that orthodonti cs and implantology have passed, and now estheti cs is the next in line. When well indicated and performed, estheti c restorati ve treatments are amazing; but since there are not only fl owers, the overtreatments are increasing improperly, and this ulti mately harms the pati ents, who are oft en exposed...


We don´t take care of teeth... we take care of people
We don´t take care of teeth... we take care of people

When I was invited to participate in this project, I had a tremendous will to awaken the awareness of dentists, to look out of their offices, out of the bubble in which we spend hours and maybe some spend the entire life. But fortunately, I abandoned the idea that might seem my presumption, and then I recalled the image of a boy I met in the Northeast countryside, in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil), in a city called Floresta, far from any cosmopolitan urban city, far from CAD-CAMs, digital...



This study evaluated the effect of whitening dentifrices on the microshear bond strength ( CM) to the dental enamel at different times elapsed after the completion of the whitening protocol. Thirty samples from 15 third molars were divided into six groups: G1 and G4 (Crest baking soda & peroxide), G2 and G5 (Optic White), and G3 and G6 (Colgate Total 12). Samples were submitted to mechanical brushing test in 3 daily brushing sessions of 3 minutes each, for 15 days. Teeth were restored...


Adhesive technique for vertical preparation in retreatments
Adhesive technique for vertical preparation in retreatments

One of the key tools to control the presence of a visible gingival margin in anterior regions may be the utilization of the biologically oriented preparation technique, helping to enhance the quality of periodontal tissues and extending their stability over time. Currently, there is a wide array of materials that allow highly esthetic and predictable replacement of the lost tooth structure. These materials without metallic nucleus include the lithium disilicate or zircon oxide-reinforced...



T he objecti ve of this secti on is to summarize a few topics that were published and discussed on the indexed journals, approaching themes that are clinically relevant. The subject chosen for this editi on are bulk-fi ll composite resins. This kind of composite allows greater light curing depth than the conventi onal ones, which enables fi lling caviti es with increments of 4-5mm, unlike the traditi onal 2mm, commonly recommended on the increment techniques. This change of concept demands a...


Hydrophobic coating of dental PMMA
Hydrophobic coating of dental PMMA

Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to prepare and apply antiadherent, hydrophobic coatings on dental poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA). Methods: Microwave thermal-polymerized PMMA disc-shaped specimens were prepared (10 mm diameter × 2 mm thickness). Two hydrophobic solutions were used for the coatings: HS1 = 2.5 vol% hexadecyl-triethoxy-silane diluted in ethanol, and HS2 = 2.5 vol% perfluorodecyl-triethoxy-silane diluted in dimethyl sulfoxide. The PMMA discs were assigned into...


Needle perforation of oral mucosa and local occurrence of aphthae: mechanism and approaches
Needle perforation of oral mucosa and local occurrence of aphthae: mechanism and approaches

Oral aphthae may be prevented by maintaining the mucosal integrity, and such lesions may occur at the site of penetration of the anesthetic needle. In these cases, a gel may be indicated soon after completion of anesthesia, explaining this approach to the patient. Some individuals with aphthae report previous occurrence of aphthae after anesthesia, and the professional may suggest the patient to carry the gel on the following consultation to apply this “preventive” procedure. For...


The presence of periodontal pathogens and their relationship with the MBL2 gene in patients with chronic periodontitis
The presence of periodontal pathogens and their relationship with the MBL2 gene in patients with chronic periodontitis

Objective: Considering the role of MBL2 in innate immunity and its importance for periodontitis — infectious multifactorial disease —, this study aimed to evaluate the association of the MBL2 gene polymorphism with the presence of periodontal pathogens in patients with chronic periodontitis. Methods: The convenience sample consisted of 29 patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis who sought dental treatment from August 2008 to July 2009. Samples were collected from subgingival plaque of...


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