Estética | JCDR 2018 v15n1- Compra de artigo - Clinical Dentistry
Estética | JCDR 2018 v15n1

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Avaliação do potencial de desmineralização do gel de clareamento dental (peróxido de hidrogênio a 35%) sobre o esmalte bovino

O ensino não está mudando, já mudou!

Implante imediato na zona estética: herói ou vilão?

Apinhamento envelhece a boca: é normal ou patológico? Dentes não se contatam e nem empurram uns aos outros

Tratamento estético dos dentes: expectativa versus realidade. O limite da atuação do dentista

Qual o momento ideal para transitarmos das resinas compostas para as cerâmicas?

Fotopolimerização de materiais restauradores resinosos: uma abordagem com base em evidências para a prática clínica

Importância da interpretação do volume obtido em tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico: achados incidentais de um serviço radiológico privado

Conhecimento de graduandos em Odontologia sobre os riscos de autoaplicação de agentes clareadores dentários

A importância da manutenção do perímetro da arcada para obtenção da estética do sorriso

Técnica conservadora de remoção de cáries utilizando sonda luminosa e restauração dentária com resina bulk fill: relato de caso clínico

Microabrasão e clareamento dental no tratamento de manchas brancas sugestivas de fluorose

Editorial Board

Teaching is not changing, it’s already changed!

Immediate implant in the esthetic zone: hero or villain?
Immediate implant in the esthetic zone: hero or villain?

When I was invited to write a column in this journal, from the implant-borne prosthesis perspective, I thought, “How could I ever start talking about prosthesis without quickly mentioning implants?” Among the most important steps that must be accurately followed when doing immediate implants is the correct positioning of the fixture. We’ve been repeatedly hearing that every implant placement surgery must be preceded by a thorough prosthetic planning. Unfortunately, despite the need...


Crowing ages the mouth: is it normal or pathological? Teeth do not contact or push each other
Crowing ages the mouth: is it normal or pathological? Teeth do not contact or push each other

nor touch their mineralized structure with another mineralized structure! A tooth does not push another tooth by contact. A tooth does not directly resorb another tooth: there will always be soft tissue interposition, even with the presence of a gap or interface between teeth of which imaging and tomographic examination suggests direct contact between two teeth. Crowding resulting from an imbalance among factors that keep the dental arch stable might be taken as a natural aging-related...


Aesthetic treatment of teeth: expectation versus reality. The limit of the dentist’s performance
Aesthetic treatment of teeth: expectation versus reality. The limit of the dentist’s performance

Clinicians who venture to offer aesthetic therapies will have to invariably cope with their patients’ expectations towards the selected treatment option. Expectation is the status invested by patients who wait for a result that shall correspond to their desires. Whenever seeking for aesthetic therapies, patient’s desires involve having more attractive teeth. It is up to the dentist, henceforth, to satisfy this wish and provide patients with a more beautiful smile through the available...


What is the ideal moment to change from composite resins to ceramics?
What is the ideal moment to change from composite resins to ceramics?

INTRODUCTION In this edition, we shall address a rather trendy topic, related to the most adequate moment to migrate from composite resins to ceramic veneers. According to our philosophy, we firmly believe that aesthetics and functionality must always walk hand in hand, in special when the overall treatment goal is to have long term stability of the treatment. In the clinical case herewith, it was important to have the 20-year follow up of this patient, who happens to be a dentist...


Light-curing of resin-based restorative materials: an evidence-based approach to clinical practice application
Light-curing of resin-based restorative materials: an evidence-based approach to clinical practice application

Abstract: The process of light-curing resin-based dental materials is one of the major reasons for clinical failures. However, there is a lack of information and instructions on what is required to achieve an adequate light-curing in different clinical situations. Thus, the present literature review aims at providing a brief background on light-curing in Dentistry and some recommendations to help on different light-curing processes used in the clinical routine on a daily basis.


Importance of interpreting the cone beam computed tomography obtained volume: incidental findings of a private radiological service
Importance of interpreting the cone beam computed tomography obtained volume: incidental findings of a private radiological service

Objective: To evaluate whether the images obtained outside the area of interest requested by the dentist are important and would modify the treatment plan, aiming to establish the occurrence of incidental findings in all areas of exams requested for evaluation of only one region. Methods: images of 100 cone beam computed tomography exams, requested for different purposes, were randomly selected from a private practice images database. All images were obtained in an i-CAT Classic Cone Beam 3-D...


Dental students’ knowledge about the risks of bleaching agents self-application
Dental students’ knowledge about the risks of bleaching agents self-application

Introduction: Changes in dental color is one of the most common aesthetic problems perceived by people. The desire of having white teeth puts dental bleaching as the cosmetic treatment most sought by patients. Objective: the present study analyzed the knowledge about bleaching, its contraindications and the risks of bleaching agents self-application without professional prescription, as well as the frequency of the treatment and the use of commercial products with whitening action by...


The relevance of maintaining the dental arch length for good aesthetic results
The relevance of maintaining the dental arch length for good aesthetic results

Introduction: The management of tooth agenesis may be accomplished through space opening or closure. Long term stability and biological compatibility of final outcomes are the main advantages of the aesthetic closure of such spaces. Objective: this paper aimed at presenting a clinical case report in which dental arch length was maintained after space closure. The approach allowed for an adequate facial profile in a young female patient presenting nine tooth agenesis, treated with a simple and...


Caries removal conservative technique using light probe and dental restoration with bulk fill resin composite: Case report
Caries removal conservative technique using light probe and dental restoration with bulk fill resin composite: Case report

Abstract: The use of auxiliary instruments for the detection and removal of caries has been more and more widespread in the modern cosmetic and restorative dentistry, as well as the use of resins into single increment in order to decrease the clinical time necessary to perform the restorations. The objective of this study was to present a case report of posterior restoration (class II), associating an auxiliary method (light emission) to the removal of caries and a low contraction resin. In...


Microabrasion and dental bleaching for the treatment of dental fluorosis
Microabrasion and dental bleaching for the treatment of dental fluorosis

Introduction: The search for dental cosmetic procedures associated with the incidence of changes in enamel surface contributed to the emergence and associations of minimally invasive techniques in order to solve these cases. Case report: Presents a conservative approach to reverse aesthetic alterations caused by enamel staining, in which it was decided to associate the microabrasion with a paste of pumice stone and 37% phosphoric acid gel, with in-office bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide...


Evaluation of the demineralization potential of dental bleaching gel (35% hydrogen peroxide) in bovine enamel
Evaluation of the demineralization potential of dental bleaching gel (35% hydrogen peroxide) in bovine enamel

Objective: This study aimed at performing a quantitative analysis of the demineralization potential of dental bleaching gel (35% hydrogen peroxide), compared to 37% phosphoric acid gel, in bovine enamel samples. Methods: fifteen bovine enamel fragments with 30 ± 2mm2) were prepared and divided into three groups (n = 5): group I – saline solution, without bleaching agent; group II – 35% H2O2 bleaching gel applied for three times of 15 minutes each; and group III – 37% phosphoric acid...


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