Estética | JCDR 2016 v13n1- Compra de artigo - Clinical Dentistry
Estética | JCDR 2016 v13n1

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Management of complications associated with single implants in esthetic zones: a case report
Management of complications associated with single implants in esthetic zones: a case report

Problems related to complications associated with dental implants in esthetic zones have become increasingly common in the clinical practice. Among those problems, the most common mistakes include: malposition of the implant, inadequate restoration contour, and lack of adequate treatment planning. The description of the case presented in this article shows a clinical sequence, from surgery to prosthetic procedures, employed to retreat two implants in the anterior maxilla, both of which had been...


A Busca
A Busca


Somando para crescer

Dentes decíduos em adultos devem ser preservados? Por que não? E as células-tronco de dentes decíduos: justifica-se sua preservação?

O método científico, o bom senso, a experiência e o paciente: “MENOS É MAIS”

Avaliação radiográfica de enxertos ósseos autógenos sinusais após estímulo funcional

Análise, por SEM e EDX, da composição e morfologia das partículas de carga de compósitos de baixa contração e tradicionais

Capacidade de selamento da interface implante/ abutment de um silicone fluido: estudo in vitro

Uma visão contemporânea da Odontologia. Um diagnóstico preciso orientando os resultados funcionais e estéticos

Efeito da fotoativação na microdureza de cimentos resinosos de polimerização dual usados para cimentação de pinos intrarradiculares

Manejo de complicações associadas a implantes unitários em zonas estéticas: relato de caso

Acabamento e polimento das restaurações em resina composta: do macro ao micro

Editorial Board

The quest
The quest

By the end of the nineteenth century, London was one of the largest cities in Europe. With the Industrial Revolution, thousands of people moved out to the metropolis, which was conducive to the outbreak of one of the greatest epidemics in human history.


Gathering forces onward
Gathering forces onward

As I have written in my first editorial, when I took up the position of editor-in-chief of Dental Press Implantology, there was a major challenge to be faced: raising the journal’s quality by seeking to publish the best articles. We have done a great job by renewing our editorial board (to which I thank publicly for the time dedicated and priceless compliance) and establishing partnerships with professional associations, such as the International Team for Implantology (ITI), which has...


Should deciduous teeth be preserved in adult patients? Why not? How about stem cells from deciduous teeth? Is it reasonable to preserve them?
Should deciduous teeth be preserved in adult patients? Why not? How about stem cells from deciduous teeth? Is it reasonable to preserve them?

Deciduous is an adjective that describes something that falls off, it is caducous or confined. Deciduous makes reference to the parts of plants or animals that fall off before the usual time at a certain stage of development in the life cycle as a whole. Caducous refers to something that is about to fall off, something that has lost the strength and vigor or something that has been annul and, therefore, has a limited life span. In Latin, the verb decidere means to fall off, to perish or to...


Scientific method, common sense, experience and the patient: “LESS IS MORE”
Scientific method, common sense, experience and the patient: “LESS IS MORE”

I t is my pleasure to contribute to the new Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Research through this editorial.


Radiographic evaluation of autogenous bone sinus grafts after functional load
Radiographic evaluation of autogenous bone sinus grafts after functional load

Objective: The aim of this study was to radiologically evaluate bone remodeling of sinus graft performed with autogenous bone harvested from the iliac crest or from the cranial vault. Methods: Radiographs of 24 individuals subjected to maxillary sinus lift were assessed at the following stages: preoperative (T1), immediate postoperative (T2) and late postoperative (T3). Measurements were performed on panoramic radiographs to determine the remaining alveolar bone (T1), from the alveolar ridge...


Evaluation of composition and morphology of filler particles in low-shrinkage and conventional composite resins carried out by means of SEM and EDX
Evaluation of composition and morphology of filler particles in low-shrinkage and conventional composite resins carried out by means of SEM and EDX

Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize the chemical elements and morphology of filler particles of conventional and low-shrinkage composite resins. The main components were identified by means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) microanalysis; whereas filler particles were analyzed morphologically by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods: Four composite resins were studied: two conventional ones (Heliomolar and Tetric N-Ceram, Ivoclar VivadentTM) and two...


Sealing properties on the implant-abutment interface of a flowable silicone: an in vitro study
Sealing properties on the implant-abutment interface of a flowable silicone: an in vitro study

Introduction: The literature has shown that colonization of the implant-abutment interface (IAI) by microorganisms may result in peri-implantitis and bone loss. Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to analyze the sealing properties of flowable silicone at this interface in external hexagon implants undergoing loading tests. Methods: Two groups of external hexagon implants (n = 10) were filled with blue dye. In the control group, no material was applied to the implant-abutment...


A contemporary view on Dentistry. Accurate diagnosis guiding functional and aesthetic results
A contemporary view on Dentistry. Accurate diagnosis guiding functional and aesthetic results

Abstract: Technology has never been so present in Dentistry as it is today. From diagnosis to clinical procedures, we count on technology that allows us to be more precise and assertive in our treatments. Objective: This article aims to show how technology is changing concepts in Orthodontics, Surgery and Restorative Dentistry.


Light-curing effect on microhardness of dual-cure resin cements used for cementation of intraradicular posts
Light-curing effect on microhardness of dual-cure resin cements used for cementation of intraradicular posts

Introduction: Insufficient curing of dual-cure cements used for cementation of intraradicular posts may compromise the restorative retention system, which could lead to restoration failure. Objective: This study aimed at assessing the microhardness of dual-cure resin cements used for glass fiber posts (DT Light PostTM) cementation, whether subjected or not to a light-curing source, according to the different root thirds. Methods: Forty bovine incisors roots were selected and divided into eight...


Finishing and polishing in composite resin restorations: from macro to micro
Finishing and polishing in composite resin restorations: from macro to micro

Some requirements are critical to achieve a composite resin restoration that resembles, in every single aspect, the natural tooth. Steps such as the selection of dental composites used, clinical application as well as finishing and polishing are essential. Careful finishing and polishing affect not only aesthetics, but also health. There is a wide variety of drills, polishers and pastes available on the market. Understanding the best sequence and the correct application of those products are...


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